Story of Uglymoons

Uglymoons all started with the creative mind of Alejandro Madero. Alex was an amazing artist that loved to paint and wanted to show people that even "ugly" things are beautiful in their own way. He was a person who could have the most serious talk with anyone, and he taught people to live a life that makes them happy. As a guy that was always smiling, he truly inspired the people around him and translated that inspiration into his art. Alex wanted to spread his creativity to the world in the form of clothing but, unfortunately, was called to serve a higher purpose before he got the chance. Cancer may have hurt his body, but his mind and soul continue to be a positive force that will forever be felt through his art. This is Alex's company; we are simlpy managing it for the purpose of spreading his love and making a difference in the world. In an effort to aid other individuals and their families in their fight against cancer, we are proud to say that 25% of all of our profits will go towards cancer prevention and management. 

#LongLiveUglymoons #FuckCancer